News & Events

Memorial Hospital in Chester is pleased to welcome Dr. Bret Miller to its specialty clinic staff.
Memorial Hospital in Chester is pleased to welcome Dr. J.T. Davis to its specialty clinic staff.

Hospital Undergoes Renovations
You can expect some new changes at Memorial Hospital in Chester over the next several months. The Hospital will begin a 5 year renovation project starting April 23rd. This summer, the Hospital will begin installing a new front entrance canopy and main entrance renovation. The main entrance will be closed from April 23rd-28th for initial preparation and then again from mid-June through August for canopy construction. The Emergency Room entrance will become the main entrance during this period. Memorial Hospital asks that patients and visitors who are not using handicap parking, Emergency Room and Convenient Care services to continue to park in the main parking lot, leaving the ER spots for patients needing immediate care or handicap parking. There will also be additional patient parking along Memorial Drive next to the Emergency Room Parking. Read More

In a special reception on Friday, January 25, 2019 Memorial Hospital CEO, Brett Bollmann named Jason L. Springs Employee of the Quarter for the Fourth Quarter 2018.
Springs has worked at Memorial Hospital for 16 years as a Medical Laboratory Technician and Chemistry Supervisor. When asked what he likes most about working at Memorial Hospital, Springs replied, “The people, we have friendly staff here. Over the years I have become good friends with a lot of people.” His co-workers write, “He is super friendly and always gets along with fellow co-workers. Covers multiple shifts when needed, does not complain and always goes the extra mile. He is very helpful and has adapted to a new position that included many changes with no complaint. He never calls in and always comes in early and is willing to stay late if needed.”
Springs resides in Sparta with his wife Mindy and one month old daughter Makenna. When he isn’t working he enjoys traveling. He and his wife look forward to taking their daughter on trips.
Springs received a personal plaque, cash prize and parking spot of his choice for the next three months.
Bell of Hope Donated by Gielow Family
The chemotherapy and infusion department at Memorial Hospital in Chester has a new addition to their wall of remembrance. A "bell of hope", donated by the Gielow family in loving memory of Marvin A. Gielow now graces the entry wall. The inscription reads, "Ring this bell three times well to celebrate this day. This course is run, my treatment done, now I am on my way." As patients finish their final treatment they will have the honor of ringing the bell to commemorate the completion of their battle.
Marvin was a long-time patient of the infusion department. He was a friend and inspiration to both staff and patients of the department. He finished his battle on August 4th, 2017. "This bell of hope will serve as a reminder of Marvin and inspiration to those who continue to fight," stated the staff.
More on our Chemo & Infusion Center

Memorial Hospital, Chester, IL Achieves Accreditation with ACHC
Memorial Hospital, Chester, IL proudly announces it has achieved accreditation through Accreditation Commission for Health Care (AHCH) for its Sleep Lab.
Accreditation is a process through which healthcare organizations demonstrate compliance with national standards. Accreditation by ACHC reflects an organization’s dedication and commitment to meeting standards that facilitate a higher level of performance and patient care. MORE

Pathfinders 2018-2019
Memorial Hospital welcomed six Pathfinders to the 2018-2019 program this year. This job shadowing program allows High School Seniors to spend time with different departments throughout the hospital, clinics, and therapy & rehab center learning about careers in the medical field.
This years participants are:
Stevie Gilbert - Chester High School
Chloe Gordon - Steeleville High School
Kaleb Hughes - Chester High School
Lauren Leathers - Chester High School
Elizabeth Froemling - TRICO High School
Ashleigh Stegmann - Chester High School

2018 Newmark Award
The 2018 Israel D. Newmark Memorial Award winner was announced Friday, November 9th at Memorial Hospital's fall party.
This year’s winner, Kim Ruebke, was presented with a plaque by Chief of Staff, Dr. Joseph Molnar who spoke these words about her during the presentation, “This employee works very hard to keep the department running, with most of the work being behind the scenes but is always willing to jump right in when another employee is needed to take care of a busy department. Someone who has put so much of herself into her position should be acknowledged for this. She wears two hats: a caring compassionate nurse and a level headed leader.” Ruebke, had these words to say in response, “I feel honored and privileged for receiving this award. I'm thankful for being able to work at Memorial Hospital and to have great co-workers and friends to work with. Memorial Hospital has the reputation of excellent care and caring staff. I'm truly honored and proud to be a part of this organization. ”
(Kim Ruebke is pictured with Susan Diddlebock, Director of Nursing)
Memorial Hospital gains ‘4-Star’ Patient Satisfaction Rating
CHESTER, IL – The Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN) recently recognized Memorial Hospital, Chester, for its ongoing commitment to exceptional quality of care, during a ceremony held October 29th at the I-Hotel and Conference Center, Champaign, IL. Memorial Hospital won honors in every available category. READ MORE

CHS Vball Donates Funds to Popeye Pedalers
Memorial Hospital’s Popeye Pedalers team participated in a PEDAL the Cause event in St. Louis on September 30th. PEDAL the Cause uses 100% of public donations to fund cancer research at Siteman Cancer Center and Siteman Kids at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. All funds raised from the event stay local to our area to help fund research projects with a goal of finding a cure for cancer.
The inspiration for Memorial’s Popeye Pedalers team comes from the employees, patients, and families who have, and continue to battle this terrible disease. The key to curing cancer will be research. The Popeye Pedalers completed a 20-mile ride during the event and with donations, bake sales proceeds, and other fundraising events, they were able to raise $10,637 for PEDAL the Cause. A generous donation from the Chester High School Volleyball team’s Pink Out event in October helped the Pedalers exceeded their goal of $10,000. The Volleyball team raised almost $1,300 through their own bake sale, t-shirt sales, and silent auction. CHS athletes presented their donation to the Pedalers team last week.
For every $1 PEDAL the Cause raises an estimated $7 is obtained in federal funding meaning, in all, Memorial’s team raised over $80,000 for Cancer Research. There are already plans for Memorial to have a larger team and bigger goal for next year.
Photo caption: Chester High School Volleyball players, Carlee Weir and Lauren Welge present their donation check to Popeye Pedalers team members Brett Bollmann, Kim Ruebke, Christine Barthol, Kathy Winkler, Deb Mevert.

MH Sponsors Hidden In Plain Sight Event
The Southern Illinois Substance Abuse Alliance (SISAA), along with Memorial Hospital, Buena Vista National Bank, and Colvis Investment Services sponsoring, organized a “Hidden In Plain Sight” event at the Chester Grade School on October 25. Parents walked through a mock teenager’s room to see if they could spot signs of possible drug use. Michelle Bertinetti, Outreach Coordinator with the Gateway Foundation, then educated those in attendance on the paraphernalia present in the room that they may have overlooked. Her presentation was very informative and educated parents so they can recognize the signs of drug use. Jennifer Cartwright, a parent from Chester, attended the event and stated that, “It was fantastic and very informative! I had no clue about the hidden containers to look for or [household items] involved in drug use. “
By educating parents to make them aware, it is SISAA’s goal to reduce drug use among teens. Bertinetti, also explained how parents should react to evidence of drug use and the resources available if they suspect someone is struggling with addiction. Addressing problem behavior early is important to preventing negative consequences of use including unsafe decision-making, car crashes and dependence. Chester Police Officers and Red Bud Police Chief also attended the event to inform the community on current trends they see in the community. In Randolph County, the Human Service Center is ready to help by calling (618)282-4547. “Hidden in Plain Sight” is part of the comprehensive prevention plan SISAA is implementing. The coalition is working with Randolph County Schools to deliver prevention lessons and conducting a parent communications campaign to continue to educate the community.

Pathfinder Scholarship Winner
Grace Knop, daughter of Ken and Tara Knop of Steeleville, IL is the winner of this year’s Healthcare Pathfinder Scholarship awarded by the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Grace is currently attending Steeleville High School and will be attending Southwestern Illinois College in the fall with a plan to transfer to a university to study nursing. During her time in the Pathfinders program she was given confidence in her career choice. She said, “It was incredibly beneficial to hear other healthcare professionals input on what they experienced when they first entered the medical field.” Grace found the Pathfinders Program very beneficial to helping her make her future career choice. Nursing will be a great career for her as she already loves to spend time volunteering in the community, especially at events with children. She regularly assists at the Chester Grade School Family Fun Nights and at Lapsits at the Chester Public Library during the summer. When she isn’t at school, working, or volunteering she enjoys spending time outside hunting and hiking. READ MORE

Sandy Otten Retires After 45 Years of Service
Sandy Otten of Chester, retired from Memorial Hospital on April 26th after 45 years of service. She was hired in August of 1972 for a position in the Health Information Department (Medical Records), and retired as the Performance Improvement Director. READ MORE

National Hospital Week 2018
Memorial Hospital of Chester celebrates National Hospital Week, May 6-12. Chester Mayor, Tom Page commemorated the week by signing a Mayoral Proclamation declaring that all residents of Chester celebrate the women and men who strive to improve our health care system. This week honors our nation’s largest profession; health care professionals. Read More
MH Rides Again - PEDAL the Cause
In 2017 a group of Memorial Hospital team members participated in PEDAL the Cause and helped in raising over 4 million in cancer research funds that was utilized by Barnes Jewish Hospital and Children’s Hospital cancer research projects .
Memorial Hospital has organized a team again for 2018. We would love to have you join our Popeye Pedalers team. You can register or make a donation. READ MORE
Memorial Hospital is pleased to announce the implementation of a new EHR, Electronic Health Record, called Cerner. This EHR will enable advanced technology that will improve quality, safety and processes for the care we provide to our community. Susan Diddlebock, Chief Nursing Officer, states, “The relationship between Cerner and Memorial Hospital is built on improving care to the community that we serve. We are constantly working to improve outcomes and this EHR will provide a great basis for the service we provide. It also aids in uniting the patient and healthcare givers, to work on the same goal, improving health.” READ MORE

Memorial Hospital of Chester is proud to announce that we have been ranked a 4.4 Star, Above Average, hospital by our patients and their families. Thank you to the community and our staff for helping us achieve this prestigious ranking.
Only 31% of hospitals fall into the 4 star category. Our hospital excels in discharge information and pain management for our patients. Through the communication with our nurses and doctors, and the responsiveness of our staff, our hospital offers the care in excellence that our patients desire.
Thank you for rating us one of the top rated hospitals in our region.

Memorial is a Stroke Ready Hospital
Every year more than 795,000 people in the US have a stroke. (CDC) American Stroke related deaths per year tally 130,000. On average, one American dies every four minutes from a Stroke.
These are frightening statistics. Most US citizens know family members, friends or community members whom have been affected by a Stroke. The major risk factors are life style choices, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, smoking and inactivity. Read More

Chester, IL – September 20, 2017 – Memorial Hospital today announced it has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Hospital Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. The Gold Seal of Approval® is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to providing safe and effective patient care.
Memorial Hospital underwent a rigorous, unannounced onsite survey on July 27 and 28. During the review, a team of Joint Commission expert surveyors evaluated compliance with hospital standards related to several areas, including emergency management, environment of care, infection prevention and control, leadership, and medication management. Surveyors also conducted onsite observations and interviews. Read More...
STARS – Special Needs Tracking & Awareness Response System
The purpose of the STARS Program is to create a tracking and awareness system for our ambulance districts, fire districts and community hospitals to both recognize the special needs of patients inside their coverage area and have the training to appropriately care for these patients. Read More

New Screenings and Programs Available